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give the devil his due中文是什么意思

用"give the devil his due"造句"give the devil his due"怎么读"give the devil his due" in a sentence


  • 给魔鬼他应得的东西 公平对待自己不喜欢的人
  • 公平对待, 平心而论
  • 平心而论


  • To give the devil his due , he is quite a conscientious worker .
  • Give the devil his due , but is very careful that there is not much due him
  • Brown is very unreliable ; but to give the devil his due , he is a first - class mechanic
  • I don ' t like my english teacher , but to give the devil his due , i must admit that he is good teacher
  • I don ' t like him either . but to give the devil his due , i must admit that he is a pretty talented person
  • B : i don ' t like him either . but to give the devil his due , i must admit that he is a pretty talented person
  • Arthur was a straightforward and just young fellow , no respecter of persons , and always anxious to give the devil his due
  • He s not too bad , nosey flynn said , snuffling it up . he has been known to put his hand down too to help a fellow . give the devil his due
    “他这个人不赖, ”大鼻子弗林边吸溜着鼻涕边说, “还听说,他曾伸手去帮过一个伙伴的忙。
用"give the devil his due"造句  
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